We are here for you.

We advise corporates on asset management, capital raising and risk control, which enables them to grow.

We transact for our customers in all key financial markets, including equities, bonds, currencies and commodities, so that capital flows, jobs are created, and economies can grow.

We help markets remain efficient and liquid, so our corporate customers can meet their needs, whether to invest, raise money or manage risk.

We preserve and grow assets for institutions, including mutual funds, pension funds and foundations.

We invest our capital alongside our customers’ capital to help businesses grow.

We develop ideas and analysis that drive new perspectives, new products and new paths to growth.
Understanding the needs of our corporate
customers we are here to assist on investing as well as financing
Take a fresh look at your business
PSS offers advice beyond the ordinary: We tailor our corporate service according to your business model, your goals and perspectives, as well as all relevant financial matters.
Our service includes a comprehensive report on your business and financial situation and an action plan for your financing and investment needs. Our goal is to make sure your finances will stay on track with your business model.
First Step
Understanding our customers
Second Step
Launch systematic analysis
Third Step
Build custom-fit financial solutions
Investment Banking
Provides services to help organizations with mergers and acquisitions, financing and other transactions.
Investment Management
We work with clients to achieve investment goals and financial well-being and bring an innovative approach to traditional consumer banking activities.
icon PSS Asset Management
We provide investment management services and offer investment products across all major asset classes to a diverse set of corporate clients. -
icon Private Wealth Management
We offer wealth advisory services, including portfolio management and financial counseling, and brokerage and other transaction services.
Investing and Lending
PSS provides a variety of services to bring investors together with projects and organizations in need of capital.
icon Direct Private Investing
Direct Private Investing is the primary center for pss long term principal investing activity for the last two decades. -
icon Middle Market Financing & Investing
Global investing business, specializing in principal investing and lending in all levels of capital structures. -
icon Principal Strategic Investments
The pss Principal Strategic Investments group seeks to invest in fast growing technology companies that are uniquely positioned to benefit from a deeper business partnership with PSS.
Securities Services
Operating at the center of global financial markets, our Securities professionals serve Corporate Clients including Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Banks and Brokerages, Pensions, Endowments and Foundations, Corporations, and Governments.